Index of professional equality between women and men (2021)


The professional equality index

The index of professional equality between men and women represents parity within a company. This is made up of 100 points. These 100 points are divided between 4 indicators:

  • The pay gap between women and men,
  • The difference in the distribution of individual increases between women and men
  • The number of employees who received a raise upon their return from maternity leave,

• The level of parity within the 10 highest salaries

Les résultats de XP LOG

Obtained Points Maximum number of points
1 – The pay gap 35 40
2 –  Differences in individual increases 35 35
3 – Percentage of employees increased on return from maternity leave 0 15
4 – The number of employees belonging to the under-represented gender among the 10 highest paid 0 10
TOTAL 70 100



How to calculate the index of professional equality between men and women?

Every year, companies with more than 50 employees must calculate this index and then publish it. This must be visible on our website.

It wasn’t always mandatory. In addition, obligations change over time:

  • Companies with more than 1,000 employees -> since March 1, 2019;
  • Those of more than 250 employees -> since September 1, 2019;
  • Companies with more than 50 employees -> since March 1, 2020.

In order to calculate this index, it is necessary to use the government’s online simulator. Note that the year index is based on N-1 data. That is, the 2022 index is based on 2021 data.

Which employees are taken into account by the index?

All employees who worked during the period are counted by the index with the exception of:

  • Apprentices
  • Holders of a professionalization contract
  • Employees made available to the company by an external company (including temporary workers)
  • Expatriate employees, as well as employees absent for more than half of the annual reference period considered
  • Employees in pre-retirement

How to interpret the result ?

Our index is slightly below 75 points (minimum required), XP LOG undertakes to quickly implement the necessary corrective measures, the annual objective being to succeed in reaching 75 points or more for the year 2022.

Do not hesitate to contact us in case of questions.