6PL A sustainable logistics performance
XP LOG got for 3 years the 6PL – Sustainable Logistics Performance – certification. This certification is delivered by the association “Logistique Seine Normandie” (LSN) and also the “Club Logistique du Havre”
The aim of the 6PL certification is to help the logistics field to
Its purpose is to help the logistics sector to integrate the CSR into their strategy.
This award allows XP LOG to demonstrate its desire to improve its societal and environmental performance.
Indeed, our customers’ awareness of the sustainable development aspect has reinforced XP LOG in choosing to be a stakeholder in this subject of the future.
Companies wishing to obtain this label must commit to a continuous improvement plan. They must be based on a precise framework covering all the themes of corporate social responsibility.
We can cite actions devoted to the management of consumables, for example by reducing waste (cardboard boxes, pallets) or even raising awareness of standards and regulations.